I am sure everyone has heard of Independence Day, but have you heard of Google Day? OK its something I have made up!
For me and Jass (jassv.com) the 22 April was Google Day. We both had the wonderful experience of having a Google Day with two Google events based in two different Google offices, Holborn and Shoreditch. We both were so excited and couldn’t wait for the day to begin.

Our Google morning kicked off at Google HQ in Central St Giles, Holborn. The building itself was tall and colourful just like the Google branding. After collecting our badges and passing through security we were given breakfast and had sometime for networking and socialising with like minded individuals and experts in the digital sector.
This event was for IT & Technical Leaders, Influencers and Innovators. I was quite taken aback by the percentage of women within the room which was 5%. So to be one of the few women in the room was quite daunting at first! The morning was shared between Appirio and Google to inspire the current generation of IT Leadership into the power of agility and innovation. We heard from Google customers and IT leaders and also witnessed the power of Crowd sourcing. We absorbed so much information hearing from the Google experts and gaining insight knowledge about how to “Do more with Google” including the Google products for example Google Hangout and Google Docs.
Some of the topics covered included:
- Why you should leverage Google Cloud for development
- How Crowdsourcing can take any idea and make concepts come to life and also the challenges of sourcing IT talent.
- The benefits of using Google Drive and how it can transform collaboration and productivity.
- Cloudlock
It was a pleasure meeting Chloe Hole, Associate Consultant at Appirio as she was one of the 5% of women there. She said “its great to see more women within the IT industry” This was quite flattering!
The morning ended with an amazing buffet which included sushi, sandwiches and other canapés. We had the great opportunity of exploring the Google office and taking some cheeky photos as a memento souvenir of our amazing experience at Google HQ in St Giles, Holborn.
Our Google evening was at Google Campus in Shoreditch. The venue was so funky and quirky with a funky red telephone booth “Googlebox” and a shelf filled with unique ornaments. Me and Jass could not help resist posing in the campus to grab more Google souvenirs to tweet about to our beloved followers.
Being a major fan of social media and MailChimp attending this event was a no brainer! Its important for all start-ups to utilise the marketing tactics for growth and the best place to start is learning from 3 globally successful, $billion startups, which included:
- Eventbrite on how to use events to build your brand and connect with customers
- Hootsuite on using social media to reach and acquire new users
- MailChimp on how email is still one of the most effective channels to win business
Eventbrite is a self-service ticketing platform and live experiences marketplace.
It enables people all over the world to plan, promote, and sell out events of all kinds. Eventbrite makes it easy for everyone to discover events, and to share the events they are attending with the people they know. In this way, it brings communities together by encouraging people to connect through live experiences.
To learn more about how we can help make your event a success sign up for a free account, visit www.eventbrite.co.uk
Hootsuite is a social relationship platform that empowers users to execute social media strategies across their organizations. Our vision is to revolutionize communications; our mission is to empower our customers to transform messages into meaningful relationships.
You can learn more about how we’re doing this on: www.hootsuite.com
MailChimp: More than 7 million people and businesses around the world use MailChimp. Our features and integrations allow you to send marketing emails, automated messages, and targeted campaigns. And our detailed reports help you keep improving over time.

It was a pleasure meeting Eleonore Hebrard, Social Media Coach | Hootsuite. I was lucky to get a quick photo with her. Thanks for the souvenir Eleonore and also the handy tips and links!

All in all Google Day was a great experience and by the end of the night we were both shattered with the amount of knowledge we had obtained and were eager to apply it to our business and see how it can improve our productivity and sales.
Thank you Google for making our day very special and memorable and an unforgettable experience.