On a glorious, sunny Sunday morning, I attended my first unconference for Social Media for Startups Hackathon #SocialHackUK held in Google Campus London, organized by the bubbly and enthusiastic Liz Azyan (www.digital-matchbox.com)

Well, it’s just a fancy word, basically meaning a ‘participant-driven’ meeting, where the attendees can pitch any social media topic for discussion and take part. It was a great informal way of learning in a fun and enthusiastic environment full of likeminded individuals eager to learn and share information on their understanding of social media.
The event was very well organized and the room was full of positive energy. There were 5 tables colour coded, each table had a representative specialist in that social media topic. Each colour represented a topic, for example the blue table represented how to use social media effectively through customer service by Ravi Shukle

From the SocialHackUK I picked up a lot of tips and tricks which I can apply in my freelance design business.
A great big pat on the back to Liz Azyan and her wonderful team for organising the event at Google Campus London, Shoreditch.

I look forward to the next one soon!